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QURSA - Arquitecturas y técnicas resistentes a computación cuántica: Seguridad post-cuántica
(Ref. TED2021-130369B-C32)
12/ 2022 -- 11/ 2024
The QURSA project addresses the design and proof of concept of an architecture and algorithms for quantum key distribution (QKD) over complex networks, and their integration with the classical Internet core and distribution infrastructures by means of an improved post-processing layer. For achieving an effective, seamless integration and maximize the adoption of quantum-based physical security across a diverse range of domains, we also propose to develop a novel bridge QKD endpoints, i.e., a set of physical equipment, part of the QKD network themselves, but located near the network edge to which end-users (individuals or firms) can bring their own devices to download and take away secure uncorrelated keys generated and distributed through the QKD network. As a complement, we propose the use of truly random quantum-generated keys as sources for the first general implementation of post-quantum cryptographic (PQC) signing and encryption algorithms. These PQ techniques are presently at the final stages of the standardization started by NIST in 2016, and the resulting PQC primitives will thus be embedded into the universal Internet carrier and signaling protocols (e.g., TLS/DTLS, HTTP, DNSSEC) guaranteeing security for network applications and their pervasive traffic. With this approach, the reach of quantum-safe security is stretched out to the bulk of Internet traffic by means of an evolutionary roadmap. QURSA will adopt the well-known design principles of software-defined networking (SDN) for separation of the control, data and management planes of the QKD network, as the emerging technical standards in this field issued by ETSI and IETF-ITU advocate. The proposed proof of concept to bind together and test all the technical challenges in the project will be a pilot for demonstrating and testing the hybridization of quantum-based and quantum-safe communications on a managed open network, since in addition to the benefits of making QKD usable as a service, it showcases most of the features that will be faced in this research agenda: the creation and management of ultra-secure channels, the engineering of the composite quantum-classical network, an instantiation of quantum-safe Internet protocols, and a flexible distributed management system based on SDN principles. In addition to our equipment and background, we have engaged CESGA, CCN and INCIBE for supporting us in building and testing a feasible pilot."

Campo-Vázquez, Celeste; García-Rubio, Carlos; Jimenez-Berenguel, Andrea; Moure-Garrido, Marta; Almenares-Mendoza, Florina; Díaz-Sánchez, Daniel

Inferring mobile applications usage from DNS traffic Proceedings Article

In: Ad Hoc Networks, Elsevier B.V., 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Jimenez-Berenguel, Andrea; Moure-Garrido, Marta; García-Rubio, Carlos; Campo-Vázquez, Celeste

Caracterización de aplicaciones móviles mediante el análisis del tráfico DNS Proceedings Article

In: IX Jornadas Nacionales de Investigación en Ciberseguridad - JNIC 2024, pp. 506-507, Universidad de Sevilla, 2024, ISBN: 978-84-09-62140-8.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Moure-Garrido, Marta; García-Rubio, Carlos; Campo, Celeste

Reducing DNS Traffic to Enhance Home IoT Device Privacy Journal Article

In: Sensors , vol. 24, iss. 9, 2024.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Jimenez-Berenguel, Andrea; Moure-Garrido, Marta; Campo-Vázquez, Carlos García-Rubio Celeste

Characterizing Mobile Applications Through Analysis of DNS Traffic Conference

PE-WASUN '23: Proceedings of the Int'l ACM Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Wireless Ad Hoc, Sensor & Ubiquitous Networks., ACM, 2023, ISBN: N 979-8-4007-0370-6.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

Moure-Garrido, Marta; Campo-Vázquez, Celeste; García-Rubio, Carlos

Real time detection of malicious DoH traffic using statistical analysis Journal Article

In: COMPUTER NETWORKS, vol. 234, iss. 109910, pp. 1-10, 2023, ISSN: 1389-1286.

Abstract | Links | BibTeX

More Information

QURSA – Arquitecturas y técnicas resistentes a computación cuántica: Seguridad post-cuántica